Before the Arrival


Before the Arrival | At the Hospital | Back At Home | Brit Milah (The Bris) | Photo Album | Photos: 2-3 Months | Photos: 4 Months | Photos: 6 Months | Photos: 7-9 Months | Photos: 10-11 months | 1st Birthday! | Photos: 12-13 months | Photos: 16 Months | Photos: 17-20 months | I'm 2! | 2 Year Photo Shoot | Jack's Best Friend | Contact Us
Lisa and Scott's New Baby

Want to take a sneak peak at our future arrival? Here are some ultrasound pictures from different points during the preganancy. We decided early on that we wanted to know the gender of the baby, and it's a good thing we did, because Scott could tell he was a boy even before our ultrasonographer pointed it out!

Baby at 20 weeks
(See his hand up by his face?)

baby at 20 weeks

Baby's face at 30 weeks
(His little eye is closed!)

baby's face at 30 weeks

Belly Shots!
Some of you have asked what Lisa looks like pregnant. Well, here she is at a few different times during the pregnancy. More pictures to come!

Lisa at 19.5 weeks

Lisa at 19.5 weeks

Lisa at 25.5 weeks

Lisa at 25.5 weeks

Preparing for Baby! Since we are moving to Chicago only 7 weeks after our baby's due date, we've been limited in the amount of preparations we can make for his arrival. For now, a bassinet, portable diaper changer, carseat, and stroller will have to suffice. No painting and decorating a nursery for us! We did pick out some adorable blue, yellow, and white "stars and moon" crib linens for use in our future home. In response to those of you who have asked, we are registered at this great on-line store: