Brit Milah (The Bris)


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Lisa and Scott's New Baby

About the Bris. . .

The Brit Milah (Bris), or ritual circumcision, takes place 8 days after birth of a healthy baby boy. The ceremony is both a physical and spiritual welcoming into Jewish tradition and culture. The spiritual component of the bris is a naming ceremony, during which the baby is given a Hebrew name, often in honor of a deceased relative. The bris is conducted by a specially trained officiant called a mohel and typically takes place in the child's own home in the company of family and loved ones.

Jack's bris took place on Friday, April 27. The ceremony was performed by a physician mohel, Dr. Samuel Kunin. Family members were given various honors and roles in the ceremony The two grandfathers, Joel and Roger, held the baby for the circumcision and the naming ceremony. The two grandmothers, Arlene and Freyda, lit candles. Uncle Kevin and Aunt Dawn carried the baby into the room for the ceremony, and Uncle Jeff performed the blessing over the wine. Longtime Libman family friend Linda (who was the cantor at Lisa and Scott's wedding) chanted the blessings. Also in attendance were Scott's dear Uncle Henry and Aunt Eudice, cousins Debbie and Arthur, and Scott and Lisa's friends John and Rebecca and their baby Peter. Jack came through the ceremony like a champ--he barely even made a peep. (It was mommy who did all the crying!)

Jack, asleep with Grandma Freyda, on the day of his bris

Jack asleep on day of bris

Jack Ari Mintzer, Ya'akov Aryeh in Hebrew, was named for three great-grandfathers. The first name Jack was given in honor of both maternal great-grandfathers: Scott's much beloved Grandpa Jack Fleisher, who lived with him throughout much of his childhood, and Lisa's sweet, gentle Grandpa Jack Kravitz, a good listener and gentle spirit. The middle name, Ari, honors Lisa's paternal grandfather, Grandpa Aaron Libman, a man of great integrity and honesty. Pictures of all three wonderful namesakes were displayed during the ceremony.

Jack with Sam Kunin during the naming ceremony.

Naming ceremony