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Lisa and Scott's New Baby |
We came home from the hospital on April 23, 3 days after Jack's birth. It was a little scary for mom and baby to leave the cocoon of the hospital, especially so soon after surgery. Lisa's mom stayed with us for the rest of that first week, providing encouragement and a third pair of hands (yes, it can take that many people to care for 1 newborn). We also had special visits from Grandpa Roger, Grandma Arlene, Grandpa Joel, Uncle Jeff, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Dawn, and "Aunt" Linda B. Jack is currently sleeping about 3 hours at a stretch, so Scott and Lisa are managing to get a little (albeit not enough) sleep. During Scott's first 2 weeks back at work, Lisa had help from a fabulous doula named Tracy who assisted with baby care and cooking and gave her a few spare minutes to post some pictures on this site! Sleepytime! In "moon and stars" bassinet |